College Campus Crimes

College Campus Crimes – Oklahoma Law

College campuses allow young adults to combine youthful enthusiasm with newly acquired freedom and lack of supervision to create an environment in which unique types of crimes occur – particularly sex, drug, and alcohol crimes. The rash of campus shootings in recent years caused Oklahoma law makers to shine a light on college campus crimes to create harsher laws and, as is often the case, the benefits of this attention brought along some negative consequences. College students are alone for the first time in a new environment away from home and parental guidance, and inexperience in the world makes students susceptible to aggressive police tactics.

The University of Oklahoma as well as other colleges have started internal Student Conduct proceedings against their students if they are arrested on an alcohol related charge. OU has a three strickes policy that results in suspension from the university.

Thus, it is vital to contact the Oklahoma criminal defense lawyers at Hunsucker Legal Group if you or your child is facing charges for a college campus crime.

College Campus Sex Crimes – Oklahoma Law

Occurrences of rape and sexual assault on college campuses are at an unfortunate and alarmingly high rate. Often the alleged victim knows the alleged perpetrator, so date rape and acquaintance rape (as opposed to stranger rape) and similar sexual assaults are the most common sex crimes on college campuses. The State of Oklahoma does not “take it easy” on college students accused of these crimes. The accused may be facing lengthy litigation, trial, hefty fines, and/or felony prison time. Due to the stigma that comes along with rape, a date rape investigation can do unrepairable damage to one’s reputation. Thus, if you or a loved one are accused of a college campus sex crime in Oklahoma, get proper representation as soon as possible to protect your rights and reputation.

College Campus Drug and Alcohol Crimes – Oklahoma Law

Alcohol consumption and binge drinking are a way of life for many college students and groups of students. Likewise, drug experimentation among our young-adults is commonplace. However innocent the intended uses of drugs and alcohol, the legal consequences can be catastrophic. The State of Oklahoma is among the toughest in the nation in punishing drug crimes – even small amounts of marijuana. Additionally, Oklahoma laws have zero tolerance for persons under 21 consuming alcohol, and the punishments for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol are brutal.

Legal Defense of a College Campus Crime – Oklahoma Law

When facing a charge for a college campus crime in the State of Oklahoma, it is vital employ the best legal representation available – Hunsucker Legal Group – in order to protect you rights. Representation is critical because college students are vulnerable and authorities prosecute aggressively. Good defense attorneys shield First Amendment rights from abuse and hold prosecutors to the proper standards of due process. If you or your child has been charged with a college campus crime, it is critical that you seek experienced counsel to help you through these tough times. The skilled criminal defense attorneys at the Hunsucker Legal Group are here to help.

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