
In Oklahoma, the crime of larceny of merchandise refers to stealing property from a place of business, as opposed to a private citizen. Larceny of merchandise is commonly referred to as shoplifting.

Shoplifting Defined

Under Oklahoma law, larceny of merchandise from a retailer means taking any type of goods or property from a store without paying for it. This could include:

  • Exiting the store with items that have not been paid for
  • Concealing items while inside the store
  • Switching price tags on items

Penalties for Shoplifting

Shoplifting may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the circumstances and the value of the merchandise taken. Typically, if the total value of the merchandise is less than $500, you will be charged with a misdemeanor and could face:

  • Up to 30 days in jail and a fine between $10 and $500 for a first offense
  • 30 days to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000 for a second offense
  • Two to five years in prison for a third or subsequent offense

If the total value of the merchandise taken is $500 or greater, you could be facing a felony charge. The consequences for felony shoplifting can include:

  • One year in jail and a fine of up to $5,000 for merchandise valued between $500 and $999
  • One to five years in prison for merchandise valued at or above $1,000

Can I Be Detained?

Under certain circumstances, a storeowner or employee may be able to detain you until police arrive. In order to do this, the employee must have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to believe that you took merchandise. If this is established, he or she may detain you in a reasonable manner and for a reasonable period of time to:

  • Conduct a reasonable investigation
  • Inform the police
  • Perform a reasonable search
  • Recover the merchandise

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